
What Camera Does Ghost Adventures Use

Investigating reportedly haunted locations for ghosts

Ghost hunting is the process of investigating locations that are reported to be haunted by ghosts. Typically, a ghost-hunting squad will endeavour to collect evidence supporting the being of paranormal activity. Ghost hunters use a diversity of electronic devices, including EMF meters, digital thermometers, both handheld and static digital video cameras, including thermographic and nighttime vision cameras, night vision goggles, also as digital audio recorders. Other more traditional techniques are also used, such as conducting interviews and researching the history of allegedly haunted sites. Ghost hunters may besides refer to themselves every bit "paranormal investigators."[1]

Ghost hunting has been heavily criticized for its dismissal of the scientific method. No scientific study has ever been able to confirm the beingness of ghosts.[2] [3] The do is considered a pseudoscience by the vast majority of educators, academics, scientific discipline writers, and skeptics.[4] [five] [half-dozen] [7] [8] [nine] [10] [xi] Science historian Brian Regal described ghost hunting as "an unorganized exercise in futility".[4]

History [edit]

Paranormal research dates back to the 18th century, with organisations such as the Society for Psychical Inquiry investigating spiritual matters. Psychic researcher Harry Price published his Confessions of a Ghost-Hunter in 1936.[12]

Ghost hunting was popularised in the 2000s by telly series such as Most Haunted and Ghost Hunters, combined with the increasing availability of high-tech equipment. The Atlantic Paranormal Club reported a doubling in their membership in the belatedly 2000s, attributing this to the boob tube programs. Despite its lack of acceptance in academic circles, the popularity of ghost-hunting reality Goggle box shows has influenced a number of individuals to take up the pursuit.[13]

Small businesses offering ghost-hunting equipment and paranormal investigation services increased in the early on 2000s. Many offer electromagnetic field (EMF) meters, infrared motion sensors and devices billed as "ghost detectors". The paranormal boom is such that some small ghost-hunting related businesses are enjoying increased profits through podcast and web site advertizing, books, DVDs, videos and other commercial enterprises.[xiv]

One ghost-hunting group called "A Midwest Haunting" based in Macomb, Illinois, reported that the number of people taking its tours had tripled, jumping from almost 600 in 2006 to ane,800 in 2008. Others, such every bit Marie Cuff of "Idaho Spirit Seekers" pointed to increased traffic on their websites and message boards as an indication that ghost hunting was becoming more accepted. Participants say that ghost hunting allows them to savor the friendship of like-minded people and actively pursue their involvement in the paranormal. According to Jim Willis of "Ghosts of Ohio", his group's membership had doubled, growing to 30 members since it was founded in 1999 and includes both true believers and full skeptics. Willis says his group is "looking for answers, i mode or another" and that skepticism is a prerequisite for those who desire to be "taken seriously in this field."[13]

Writer John Potts says that the present mean solar day pursuit of "apprentice ghost hunting" can be traced back to the Spiritualist era and early on organizations founded to investigate paranormal phenomena, like London's The Ghost Club and the Gild for Psychical Research, but that modern investigations are unrelated to academic parapsychology. Potts writes that mod ghost hunting groups ignore the scientific method and instead follow a form of "techno-mysticism".[11]

The popularity of ghost hunting has led to some injuries. Unaware that a "chilling habitation" in Worthington, Ohio was occupied, a grouping of teenagers stepped on the edge of the property to explore. The homeowner fired on the teenagers' auto as they were leaving, seriously injuring one.[fifteen] A woman hunting for ghosts was killed in a fall from a Academy of Toronto building.[16]

An adjunct of ghost hunting is the commercial ghost tour conducted by a local guide or tour operator who is oft a fellow member of a local ghost-hunting or paranormal investigation grouping. Since both the bout operators and owners of the reportedly haunted properties share profits of such enterprises (admissions typically range between $fifty and $100 per person), some believe the claims of hauntings are exaggerated or fabricated in order to increase omnipresence.[17] The city of Savannah, Georgia is said to be the American metropolis with the most ghost tours, having more than 31 every bit of 2003.[18] [xix]

Notable paranormal investigators [edit]

Harry Price [edit]

Harry Cost (17 Jan 1881 – 29 March 1948) was a British parapsychologist, psychic researcher and writer who gained public prominence for his investigations into psychical phenomena and his exposing of fraudulent spiritualist mediums. He is best known for his well-publicized investigation of the purportedly haunted Borley Rectory in Essex, England. Price's exploits were given wide exposure in a 1950 book, Harry Price, Biography of a Ghost Hunter past Paul Tabori. He was too a longstanding fellow member of the Ghost Club based in London.

Price joined the Order for Psychical Enquiry (SPR) in 1920, and used his knowledge of stage magic to debunk fraudulent mediums.[20] In 1922, he exposed the 'spirit' photographer William Promise.[21] [22] In the same year he travelled to Germany together with Eric Dingwall and investigated Willi Schneider at the home of Baron Albert von Schrenck-Notzing in Munich.[23] In 1923, Cost exposed the medium January Guzyk. Co-ordinate to Price the "man was clever, peculiarly with his feet, which were almost equally useful to him equally his hands in producing phenomena."[24]

Cost wrote that the photographs depicting the ectoplasm of the medium Eva Carrière taken with Schrenck-Notzing looked artificial and two-dimensional made from paper-thin and newspaper portraits and that at that place were no scientific controls as both her hands were free. In 1920 Carrière was investigated by psychical researchers in London. An assay of her ectoplasm revealed it to exist made of chewed newspaper. She was also investigated in 1922 and the result of the tests were negative.[25] In 1925, Price investigated Maria Silbert and caught her using her anxiety and toes to move objects in the séance room.[26] He also investigated the "direct vocalization" mediumship of George Valiantine in London. In the séance Valiantine claimed to have contacted the "spirit" of the composer Luigi Arditi , speaking in Italian. Price wrote down every word that was attributed to Arditi and they were found to be word-for-discussion matches in an Italian phrase-book.[27]

In 1926, Cost formed the National Laboratory of Psychical Inquiry as a rival to the Society for Psychical Enquiry.[28] Price made a formal offer to the University of London to equip and endow a Section of Psychical Research, and to loan the equipment of the National Laboratory and its library. The University of London Lath of Studies in Psychology responded positively to this proposal.

Cost had a number of public disputes with the SPR, almost notably regarding professed medium Rudi Schneider.[29] [30] Price exposed Frederick Tansley Munnings, who claimed to produce the independent "spirit" voices of Julius Caesar, Dan Leno, Hawley Harvey Crippen and King Henry 8. Price also invented and used a piece of apparatus known equally a "voice control recorder" and proved that all the voices were those of Munnings. In 1928, Munnings admitted fraud and sold his confessions to a Sunday paper.[31]

In 1933, Frank Decker was investigated by Toll at the National Laboratory of Psychical Research.[32] Under strict scientific controls that Price contrived, Decker failed to produce any phenomena at all.[33] Price'south psychical enquiry connected with investigations into Karachi's Indian rope pull a fast one on and the fire-walking abilities of Kuda Bux In 1936, Toll broadcast from a supposedly haunted estate firm in Meopham, Kent for the BBC and published The Confessions of a Ghost-Hunter and The Haunting of Cashen'south Gap. This yr also saw the transfer of Price'south library on permanent loan to the University of London (meet external links below), followed shortly by the laboratory and investigative equipment. In 1937, he conducted further televised experiments into burn down-walking with Ahmed Hussain at Carshalton and Alexandra Palace, and also rented Borley Rectory for one year. The post-obit twelvemonth, Toll re-established the Ghost Club, with himself as chairman, modernizing information technology and changing it from a spiritualist association to a group of more or less open-minded skeptics that gathered to discuss paranormal topics. He was as well the outset to admit women to the club. Price drafted a Bill for the regulation of psychic practitioners, and in 1939, he organised a national telepathic test in the journal John O'London's Weekly. During the 1940s, Price concentrated on writing and the works The Most Haunted House in England, Poltergeist Over England and The End of Borley Rectory were all published.

Price's friends included other debunkers of fraudulent mediums such as Harry Houdini and the journalist Ernest Palmer.[34] [35]

Ed and Lorraine Warren [edit]

Edward Warren Miney (September 17, 1926 РAugust 23, 2006) and Lorraine Rita Warren (n̩e Moran, January 31, 1927 РApril 18, 2019) were American paranormal investigators and authors associated with prominent reports of haunting from the 1950s to the present. Edward was a World War Ii United States Navy veteran and old police officer who became a self-taught and self-professed demonologist, author, and lecturer. Lorraine professes to be clairvoyant and a low-cal trance medium who worked closely with her husband. In 1952, the Warrens founded the New England Lodge for Psychic Research, the oldest ghost hunting group in New England. They authored numerous books about the paranormal and near their individual investigations into diverse reports of paranormal activity. They claimed to accept investigated over 10,000 cases during their career, and have been involved with various supernatural claims such as the Snedeker family haunting, the Enfield Poltergeist and the Smurl haunting, as well as claims of demonic possession in the Trial of Arne Cheyenne Johnson.

The Warrens are best known for their involvement in the 1976 Amityville Horror example in which New York couple George and Kathy Lutz claimed that their firm was haunted by a violent, demonic presence so intense that information technology eventually drove them out of their home. The Amityville Horror Conspiracy authors Stephen and Roxanne Kaplan characterized the case as a "hoax".[36] Lorraine Warren told a reporter for The Limited-Times paper that the Amityville Horror was non a hoax. The reported haunting was the basis for the 1977 book The Amityville Horror, which was adapted into the 1979 and 2005 movies of the same name, while also serving as inspiration for the motion picture series that followed. The Warrens' version of events is partially adapted and portrayed in the opening sequence of The Conjuring 2 (2016). According to Benjamin Radford, the story was "refuted by eyewitnesses, investigations and forensic evidence".[37] In 1979, lawyer William Weber reportedly stated that he, Jay Anson, and the occupants "invented" the horror story "over many bottles of wine".[38]

General criticism of the Warrens include those by skeptics Perry DeAngelis and Steven Novella, who investigated the Warrens' evidence and described it as "blarney".[39] Skeptical investigators Joe Nickell and Ben Radford as well concluded that the more famous hauntings such as Amityville and the Snedeker family haunting, did non happen and had been invented.[37]

Stories of ghosts and hauntings popularized past the Warrens have been adjusted as or take indirectly inspired dozens of films, television series and documentaries, including 17 films in the Amityville Horror series and half-dozen films in The Conjuring Universe including Annabelle, Annabelle: Creation, and Annabelle Comes Dwelling house, spin-off prequels of The Conjuring.

Conventionalities statistics [edit]

According to a survey conducted in Oct 2008 past the Associated Press and Ipsos, 34 percentage of Americans say they believe in the existence of ghosts.[thirteen] Moreover, a Gallup poll conducted on June 6–8, 2005 showed that one-third (32%) of Americans believe that ghosts exist, with belief declining with age.[xl] [41] Having surveyed three countries (the Usa, Canada, and Groovy Britain), the poll also mentioned that more people believe in haunted houses than whatsoever of the other paranormal items tested, with 37% of Americans, 28% of Canadians, and xl% of Britons believing.[41] [42]

In 2002, the National Scientific discipline Foundation identified haunted houses, ghosts, and communication with the expressionless among pseudoscientific beliefs.[5]

Skepticism [edit]

Critics question ghost hunting'due south methodology, particularly its use of instrumentation, every bit there is no scientifically proven link between the existence of ghosts and cold spots or electromagnetic fields. According to skeptical investigator Joe Nickell, the typical ghost hunter is practicing pseudoscience.[43] Nickell says that ghost hunters often arm themselves with EMF meters, thermometers that can identify cold spots, and wireless microphones that eliminate groundwork noise, pointing out the equipment being used to try to detect ghosts is not designed for the chore. "The least likely caption for any given reading is it is a ghost," maintains Nickell. Orbs of light that show up on photos, he says, are often particles of dust or moisture. "Voices" picked up by record recorders can be radio signals or noise from the recorder, EMF detectors tin can be fix off by faulty wiring, microwave towers,[13] iron, recording equipment, or prison cell phones, and estrus sensors can choice up reflections off of mirrors or other metal surfaces. Nickell has also criticized the practice of searching only in the dark, saying that since some ghosts are described as "shadows or dark entities," he conducts searches in lighted rather than darkened weather.[44] Radford agrees, If the purpose of the investigation is to go spooky footage, plough the lights off. If the purpose is to scientifically search for evidence of ghosts, leave the lights on".[45]

According to investigator Benjamin Radford, nearly ghost-hunting groups including The Atlantic Paranormal Society make many methodological mistakes. "After watching episodes of Ghost Hunters and other like programs, it quickly becomes clear to anyone with a background in science that the methods used are both illogical and unscientific". Anyone can exist a ghost investigator, "failing to consider culling explanations for anomalous ... phenomena", because emotions and feelings as "evidence of ghostly encounters". "Improper and unscientific investigation methods" for example "using unproven tools and equipment", "sampling errors", "ineffectively using recording devices" and "focusing on the history of the location...and not the phenomena". In his article for Skeptical Inquirer Radford concludes that ghost hunters should care about doing a truly scientific investigation "I believe that if ghosts exist, they are important and deserve to be taken seriously. Well-nigh of the efforts to investigate ghosts so far have been badly flawed and unscientific – and, not surprisingly, fruitless."[viii]

Although some ghost hunters believe orbs are of supernatural origin, skeptic Brian Dunning says that they are usually particles of dust that are reflected past light when a picture show is taken, sometimes information technology may exist bugs or water droplets. He contends that "there are no plausible hypotheses that describe the mechanism by which a person who dies volition get a hovering ball of low-cal that appears on film only is invisible to the middle." He does not believe there is any science behind these beliefs; if there were then in that location would be some kind of discussion of who, what and why this can happen. In his investigations he can not find whatever "plausible hypothesis" that orbs are annihilation paranormal.[46]

Scientific discipline writer Sharon Loma reviewed over 1,000 "amateur research and investigation groups" (ARIGs), writing that "879 identified with the category of "ghosts". Loma reports that many groups used the terms "science" or "scientific" when describing themselves; even so "they overwhelmingly display neither understanding of nor adherence to scientific norms".

"ARIGs frequently promote their paranormalist viewpoint as scientifically based, particularly in community presentations or lectures at educational facilities. While scientifically minded observers can readily spot the bloodless and shoddy scholarship of pop paranormal investigation, the public, unaware of the fundamental errors ARIGs brand, tin can be persuaded by jargon and "sciencey" symbols."

Hill sees the supernatural bias of such groups as an indication of how "far removed ARIG participants really are from the established scientific community".[seven]

In Hill'due south 2017 book Scientifical Americans reviewed by historian Brian Imperial for Skeptical Inquirer magazine, Majestic writes, that this is a timely book every bit information technology comes during an era when many question science. Regal wonders why believers think that "untutored amateurs know more (and are more than trustworthy) than professional scholars". He asks why there is trivial discussion on "philosophical and theological aspects of their work". For example, the theoretical questions such as, "what is a ghost?" and "does one's religion in life determine if they can go a ghost in death?" Hill gives a historiography of the field of "modern paranormal interest: monsters, UFOs, and ghosts." She does not insult or ridicule the people she writes virtually, only explains their stories through case studies. Regal feels that this book will non deter believers in the paranormal, but it is an of import office of a "growing literature on amateur paranormal research". Purple states that paranormal researchers are non engaging in scientific discovery but are engaging "blithely in confirmation bias, selective show compiling, and the backfire effect while all the time complaining that information technology is the other side doing information technology. ... They, like all of u.s.a., are ultimately non searching for ghosts ... they are looking for themselves."[47]

In May 2018, Kenny Biddle, a skeptical investigator of paranormal claims, spent a night in the White Hill Mansion in Fieldsboro, New Jersey along with a group of fellow skeptics. The mansion, built in 1757, has traditionally been visited by many ghost hunting teams who claim to have experienced paranormal activeness and communicate with spirits via EVPs while at that place. According to Biddle, many of the ghost hunters claimed that the EVPs they obtained "were not but random responses; they were direct, intelligent responses to specific questions". To claiming these claims, Biddle'due south grouping conducted a controlled experiment: the group recorded audio while asking any spirits in the Mansion to assist them in locating a modest foam toy hidden somewhere on the premises by a 3rd party. They asked direct questions, but no responses were detected during review of the sound. Biddle subsequently reset the experiment and has offered a prize to ghost hunters for proof of their claim that they can obtain direct answers from spirits via EVP. [48]

Methods and equipment [edit]

A handheld infrared thermometer of the type used past some ghost hunters

Ghost hunters use a variety of techniques and tools to investigate alleged paranormal action.[49] [50] While there is no universal acceptance amid ghost hunters of the following methodologies, a number of these are commonly used by ghost hunting groups.[51]

  • Yet photography and video: using digital, dark vision, infrared, and even disposable cameras.
  • EMF meter: to detect peradventure unexplained fluctuations in electromagnetic fields.
  • Tablet PC: to record data, sound, video and even environmental fluctuations such every bit electromagnetic fields.[51]
  • Ambient temperature measurement: using thermographic cameras, thermal imaging cameras, infrared thermometers, and other infrared temperature sensors. All of these methods simply measure out surface temperature and not ambient temperature.[52]
  • Digital and analog audio recording: to capture any unexplained noises and electronic vocalization phenomena (EVPs), that may be interpreted as disembodied voices.
  • Compass: some ghost hunters utilize a compass to determine the location of paranormal spots, like to EMFs.
  • Geiger counter: to mensurate fluctuations in radiation.
  • Infrared and/or ultrasonic move sensors: to detect possible anomalous movement within a given area, or to assist in creating a controlled environment where any human motility is detected.
  • Air quality monitoring equipment: to appraise the levels of gases such equally carbon monoxide, which are thought to contribute to reports of paranormal activeness.
  • Infrasound monitoring equipment: to assess the level of sound vibrations.
  • Dowsing rods: usually constructed of brass and bent into an L-shape.
  • Psychics, mediums, or clairvoyants: trance mediums or "sensitive" individuals idea to take the power to place and make contact with spiritual entities.
  • Demonologists, exorcists, and clergy: individuals who may say prayers, give blessings, or perform rituals for the purpose of cleansing a location of alleged ghosts, demons, poltergeists, or "negative energy".
  • Lights out: co-ordinate to ghost hunting enthusiast websites, many ghost hunters prefer to conduct their investigations during "peak" evening hours (midnight to 4 a.chiliad.).
  • Ghost Box: a radio with a frequency scan mode that some ghost hunters claim allows communication with spirits.
  • Interviews: collecting testimony and accounts about alleged hauntings.
  • Historical inquiry: researching the history behind the site existence investigated.
  • A Ouija board to communicate with spirits.
  • Night vision and full spectrum video and photography are used past ghost hunters to visualize areas of the light spectrum unseen by the human eye including infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV).
  • Trigger objects are props or tools that ghost hunters claim tin can be used to attract an entity to collaborate. Co-ordinate to ghost hunters, this could be whatsoever object which might bring emotion or connection such as a teddy bear, photo or a wedding ring, and some pieces of equipment have been designed within a trigger object in order to help detect a presence around the object.
  • Thermographic cameras, co-ordinate to ghost hunters, are helpful in detecting and visualizing temperature changes during an investigation. Co-ordinate to ghost hunters, they are known, in short, as a 'thermal'.
  • According to a psychic medium, "dogs growling and barking at certain places on a property" and cats gravitating or looking into a detail surface area as if someone were present are believed to indicate a haunting.[53]
  • SLS or Kinect photographic camera. A device that uses a pattern of Infrared dots to detect objects in complete darkness.[54] Analyzed by Kenny Biddle[55](video)[56] and found prone to spurious results when used equally a non-stationary device.

Cold spots [edit]

According to ghost hunters, a cold spot is an area of localized coldness or a sudden decrease in ambient temperature. Many ghost hunters employ digital thermometers or rut sensing devices to measure out such temperature changes. Believers claim that cold spots are an indicator of paranormal or spirit activity in the expanse; all the same, there are many natural explanations for rapid temperature variations within structures, and there is no scientifically confirmed testify that spirit entities exist or can touch air temperatures.[57]

"Orbs" [edit]

Some ghost hunters claim that circular artifacts appearing in photographs are spirits of the dead or other paranormal phenomena;[58] [59] [60] however, such visual artifacts are a effect of flash photography illuminating a mote of dust or other particle, and are specially mutual with modern compact and ultra-compact digital cameras.[61] [62] [63] [64]

Depiction in media [edit]

Television receiver [edit]

Ghost Hunters [edit]

Ghost Hunters features the activities of a Warwick, Rhode Island ghost hunting group chosen The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS). Since 2004, the programme has garnered some of the highest ratings of any Syfy network programming, presenting a mix of paranormal investigation and interpersonal drama. It has since been syndicated on NBCUniversal sis cable channel Oxygen and also airs on the Canadian cable network, OLN. In addition to their television venture, TAPS hosts a iii-hour weekly radio show called Beyond Reality, operates a website where they share their stories, photographs, and ghost hunting videos with members. TAPS cast members also appear at lectures, conferences and public events.

Ghost Adventures [edit]

Ghost Adventures premiered in 2008 on the Travel Aqueduct. The Idiot box series features ghost hunters Zak Bagans, Nick Groff (seasons one–10), Aaron Goodwin, Billy Tolley, and Jay Wasley as they investigate reportedly haunted locations hoping to collect visual or auditory bear witness of paranormal activeness.

The Haunted Collector [edit]

Haunted Collector features a team of paranormal investigators led past demonologist John Zaffis who investigate allegedly haunted locations in hopes of identifying, and removing objects they believe can trigger supernatural activity. The objects are transported for eventual display in Zaffis's museum. The series premiered in 2011 on the Syfy cable television aqueduct, and was cancelled in 2013.

Films [edit]

Poltergeist [edit]

Poltergeist is the original film in the Poltergeist trilogy, directed by Tobe Hooper, co-written past Steven Spielberg and released on June four, 1982. The story focuses on the Freeling family unit, which consists of Steven (Craig T. Nelson); Diane (JoBeth Williams); Dana (Dominique Dunne); Robbie (Oliver Robins); and Carol Anne (Heather O'Rourke), who live in a California housing development called Cuesta Verde, which comes to be haunted by ghosts. The flick depicts a group of paranormal investigators, parapsychologists, and a spiritual medium named Tangina Barrons (Zelda Rubinstein) in their efforts to aid the family. A reboot of the series, Poltergeist, was directed past Gil Kenan and released on May 22, 2015 that features the host of a paranormal-themed Tv set show who comes to the aid of the family.

Ghostbusters [edit]

Ghostbusters is a 1984 American fantasy one-act film produced and directed past Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis. It stars Bill Murray, Aykroyd and Ramis equally Peter Venkman, Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler, eccentric parapsychologists who start a ghost-catching business concern in New York City. Ghostbusters was released in the United States on June 8, 1984 and grossed $242 1000000 in the Usa and more than than $295 million worldwide, making information technology the highest-grossing comedy film of its fourth dimension. It launched a media franchise, which includes ii sequels (Ghostbusters II and Ghostbusters: Afterlife), 2 blithe television series (The Real Ghostbusters and Farthermost Ghostbusters), video games, and a 2016 reboot. The Ghostbusters concept was inspired by Aykroyd's fascination with the paranormal.

The Conjuring [edit]

The Conjuring is a 2013 American supernatural horror film directed by James Wan and written past Chad Hayes and Carey W. Hayes. Information technology is the inaugural motion picture in The Conjuring Universe franchise, in which Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga star as paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren. Their purportedly existent-life exploits inspired The Amityville Horror story and moving picture franchise. In The Conjuring, the Warrens come to the assistance of the Perron family, who feel increasingly agonizing events in their farmhouse in Rhode Island in 1971. The Conjuring was released in the United States and Canada on July 19, 2013, and grossed over $319 million worldwide. A sequel, The Conjuring two, was released on June 10, 2016, and a prequel, Annabelle, directed by John R. Leonetti, written past Gary Dauberman and produced by Peter Safran and James Wan was released in 2014.

Video games [edit]

Phasmophobia [edit]

Kinetic Games' indie survival horror game sees the actor(s) take on the office of ghost hunters contracted to explore various premises for ghosts. The game received a large influx of popularity after its September 2020 release due to many well-known Twitch streamers and YouTubers playing it, mainly for the Halloween flavour.[65]

Web serial [edit]

Buzzfeed Unsolved [edit]

The American amusement spider web series BuzzFeed Unsolved includes BuzzFeed Unsolved Supernatural episodes where hosts Madej and Bergara hash out alleged ghosts, hauntings and demons, oftentimes seeking show of their existence.[66]

Farther reading [edit]

  • Robert Lea (31 October 2021). "Ghost Hunters Who Use Science Reveal What Other Paranormal Investigators Get Wrong". Newsweek.

External links [edit]

  • "Ghost Hunting in the 19th Century" (Audio with transcript). Science History Institute 'Distillations' Podcast Episode 277. 6 Jul 2021.
  • Ghost hunting at Curlie
  • Dunning, Brian (January ane, 2008). "Skeptoid #81: Ghost Hunting Tools of the Merchandise". Skeptoid.
  • "Ghost Hunting Scientific discipline Vs Pseudoscience" by Steven Novella
  • "Proton Packs and Teddy Bears: The Pseudoscientific History of Ghost Hunting Gadgets" past Popular Mechanics

See also [edit]

  • Legend tripping
  • List of ghost films
  • List of topics characterized every bit pseudoscience
  • Paranormal television
  • Stone Tape

References [edit]

  1. ^ Cohen, Howard (September 19, 2009). "Ghost hunters say Deering Estate is ground naught for lost spirits". The Miami Herald. Archived from the original on October 10, 2010. Retrieved viii January 2010.
  2. ^ Radford, Benjamin (27 October 2006). "The Shady Science of Ghost Hunting". LiveScience. Retrieved 15 Dec 2009.
  3. ^ "Study: No Scientific Ground for Vampires, Ghosts". Associated Press. 2015-03-25. Retrieved 2020-02-25 .
  4. ^ a b Regal, Brian. (2009). Pseudoscience: A Critical Encyclopedia. Greenwood. pp. 43; 75–77. ISBN 978-0-313-35507-3
  5. ^ a b "Relationships Between Science and Pseudoscience". Scientific discipline and Engineering Indicators, 2002. National Science Foundation. Archived from the original on sixteen June 2016. Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  6. ^ Dr Olu Jenzen; Professor Sally R Munt (28 January 2014). The Ashgate Research Companion to Paranormal Cultures. Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. pp. 197–. ISBN978-1-4724-0612-5.
  7. ^ a b Hill, Sharon. "Amateur Paranormal Enquiry and Investigation Groups Doing 'Sciencey' Things". Skeptical Inquirer – Volume 36.two March/Apr 2012. Retrieved 26 February 2015.
  8. ^ a b Radford, Benjamin. "Ghost-hunting mistakes: science and pseudoscience in ghost investigations". Skeptical Inquirer. Commission for Skeptical Inquiry. Archived from the original on 4 Oct 2015. Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  9. ^ Schmaltz, Rodney (25 Apr 2014). "Battling Psychics and Ghosts: The Need for Scientific Skepticism". Huffington Mail service . Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  10. ^ Campbell, Hank (27 Baronial 2014). "Think Pseudoscience Isn't Dangerous? Ghost Hunter Looking For Ghost Railroad train Killed By Real One". Scientific discipline ii.0. ION Publications. Retrieved 12 September 2015.
  11. ^ a b Potts, John; James Houran (2004). Ghost Hunting In The Twenty-Commencement Century (From Shaman to scientist: essays on humanity'south search for spirits). Scarecrow Printing. ISBN9780810850545 . Retrieved 15 December 2009.
  12. ^ Price, Harry (1936). Confessions of a ghost-hunter. Putnam.
  13. ^ a b c d Peterson, Skip; Associated Press (2008-05-31). "Ghost-hunting groups enjoy surge in popularity". USA Today. Retrieved xiv Dec 2009.
  14. ^ Scaring Up Paranormal Profits
  15. ^ Smyth, Julie C (2007-08-21). "'Spooky House' case splits Ohio suburb". United states of america Today . Retrieved 2008-08-24 .
  16. ^ "Ghost-hunting woman dies at U of Toronto". United Press International. September 10, 2009. Retrieved 15 December 2009.
  17. ^ Howard, Philip (December xviii, 2006). "Confessions of a Ghost Bout Guide and Skeptic". The Commission for Skeptical Inquiry. Retrieved fifteen December 2009.
  18. ^ "Walk your scaredy-pants off in Savannah". Travel. CNN. 2003-ten-30. Retrieved 2010-05-03 .
  19. ^ "Rantoul grad's film explores 'America's Almost Haunted Urban center'". News-Gazette.
  20. ^ Paul Tabori. (1974). Harry Price: The Biography of a Ghosthunter. Sphere Books. pp. 43-48. ISBN 0-7221-8326-7
  21. ^ Leaves from a Psychist's Case Book by Harry Toll, Page 213.
  22. ^ Hall (1978) p. 222
  23. ^ Hall (1978) pp. 136–153
  24. ^ Harry Cost. (1942). Search for truth: My Life for Psychical Inquiry. Collins p. 206
  25. ^ Harry Price. (1939). Fifty Years of Psychical Research. Longmans, Green & Co. ISBN 978-0-7661-4242-viii
  26. ^ Lewis Spence. (1991). Encyclopedia of Occultism & Parapsychology. Gale Research Company. p. 1522
  27. ^ Harry Cost. (1942). Search For Truth: My Life For Psychical Inquiry. Collins. p. 203
  28. ^ Rene Kollar. (2000). Searching for Raymond. Lexington Books. p. 79. ISBN 978-0-7391-0161-ii
  29. ^ James Houran. (2004). From Shaman to Scientist: Essays on Humanity'due south Search for Spirits. Scarecrow Printing. p. 169. ISBN 978-0-8108-5054-5
  30. ^ Jenny Hazelgrove. (2000). Spiritualism and British Social club Between the Wars. Manchester Academy Press. p. 206. ISBN 978-0-7190-5559-ane
  31. ^ Paul Tabori. (1966). Harry Cost: The Biography of a Ghosthunter. Living Books. p. 125
  32. ^ Paul Tabori. (1966). Harry Toll: The Biography of a Ghosthunter. Living Books. p. 132
  33. ^ Stuart Holroyd. (1976). Minds Without Boundaries. Aldus Books. p. 49
  34. ^ Harry Houdini. (2011 reprint edition). Originally published in 1924. A Magician Among the Spirits. Cambridge University Printing. p. 123. ISBN 978-1-108-02748-nine
  35. ^ Alfred Douglas. (1982). Extra-Sensory Powers: A Century of Psychical Research. Overlook Press. p. 201. ISBN 978-0-87951-160-nine
  36. ^ Downes, Lawrence (April 14, 2005). "Editorial Observer; The Devil Nosotros Know on the Isle We Love". New York Times . Retrieved Baronial 17, 2011.
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